You may pay with any major credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, a gift card, or a gift card.
Contact our customer service department if you’d want to place an order but have it shipped at a later date. To speak with a sales representative, please dial +91 7378398439
Yes, The orders you have placed with us are always on our website. To get started, do what I say. Please sign in and visit the “my account” tab to access your personal information. Select the tab labeled “View Orders” from the menu on the left to see your orders. Your past purchases will be displayed here.
If you click the “my account” link at the top of the website, enter your username and password, and then click “address book,” you will be able to add, delete, and edit the addresses stored in your Keshri Fabric account.
Any modifications made here will not affect the delivery information for orders that have already been submitted. Changing the shipping address of an order after it has been placed is usually unavailable.
The things you bought and your billing and shipping information will be included in a confirmation email we send after placing an order on our website. Please double-check the details in this order confirmation email for accuracy, as any mistakes may result in processing delays.